Friday, July 01, 2005

I had begun this summer with great camping plans that Rachel and I were going to lead our younger sibling on, but alas, most have completely failed to materialize. We still plan to go to Medora in July, but not much else. I love tent camping. Bring along some fresh meat and vegetables, bikes, nature books and fun read-aloud story books (nightmare starters are the best!), some fishing poles...well you most likely know the rest. A hammock is good too. The key to fun camping is...
#1: Don't bring too much stuff!
#2: Everyone should have to carry and clean their own belongings.(Is this unreasonable?)
Example: clothes, shoes, plate, cup, silverware, and plastic bags should all be each persons back pack. They all should carry a sleeping bag (and pillow if they have to have one), and only one or two fun items for each person,(balls, cards, games).
Now, this may sound like ridicules planning to some of you, but we have a crew to work with. Good organization is required, or the oldest members are left in a mess. Which I find very unpleasant. :(
Sometime I want to try out winter camping. I believe the work load it heavier, but you don't have the bug problems, and its supposed to be very cozy if you have a good stove. I think you definitely need a good location scouted out, though. I just don't picture our flat, open countryside as much fun for it.
Are you all enjoying your summer? I hope so!

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