Sunday, June 25, 2006

Mr. Noah and Miss Rachel, practicing before testing
a couple of weeks ago.


Mr.Seth doing kicking combinations
during testing.

Miss. Lydia,(on the left,standing up),doing
pattern.-----Be-low-----Mr. Seth.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

L-R: Magdalena, Esther, Mary

One of our Chickens had this queerly shaped eggs a couple of weeks ago...

and again

Ready for anything.

A Family Funny:

My 6 year old sister was watching an older sibling and my younger brother, Seth, play Chess.
She had been watching for quite a while and was finally getting the hang of how it worked.
Older sister made a nice move and captured Seth's Bishop's. Mary exclaimed: "Seth! She got your pastors!"

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Nat and his 1st catch of the year

Nat mowing.--One of many times

Talitha holding the 'kitsy kat'

You get the picture?!

The birthday girl with her Roses--Both very pretty!

okay that's it for today,enjoy.

-§- Havilah -§-

The Baby chicks:Amonth ago.they are now three times that size!

My New Baby Kitty: "Sqeaks"-----I didn't name her the owner before me did and if i had named her it would have been far more of an interesting name! she sure is a cutie tho'. I also got a new cat not to long ago he practicly stays in our woods all the time loves hunting in there! I have affecionatley called him 'The Shadow Cat' thus adding 2 words to his origanal name, (shadow), which i hope the previous owners don't mind--:)--This is sqeaks--

A tree in blossom a month ago!:)

In Honor of Flag Day. tho it wasn't taken on that day.

some pretty flowers!

Sunday, June 04, 2006