I have a rather full and weekend but it has been a lot of fun.
First of all Josiah came home on leave and surprised our mom on Saturday. He is able to stay until this coming Saturday.
First of all Josiah came home on leave and surprised our mom on Saturday. He is able to stay until this coming Saturday.
On Sunday we celebrated the 4th with the R's and B's...We had a great time together. Havilah went home with the B's since they have a daughter her age and she stayed the night.
On Monday, we received a phone call from Mr. B and we found out Havilah had fallen off a miniature pony and broken her left wrist. My mom and Hannah went to the emergency room with her and it is a very bad break, her swelling was so bad that they couldn't put a cast on her.
Today, my mom and Havilah went back to the doctor and the break is so bad that the doctor in town can't do it so we have to go up to the orthopedic in Fargo.
Please pray for Hav's pain and for the healing.
Today, the water started flowing across 86th St...Gradually were being surrounded! Hopefully the road won't wash out though, like it did in `97.
I hope everyone enjoyed the 4th.
Yours truly,
On Monday, we received a phone call from Mr. B and we found out Havilah had fallen off a miniature pony and broken her left wrist. My mom and Hannah went to the emergency room with her and it is a very bad break, her swelling was so bad that they couldn't put a cast on her.
Today, my mom and Havilah went back to the doctor and the break is so bad that the doctor in town can't do it so we have to go up to the orthopedic in Fargo.
Please pray for Hav's pain and for the healing.
Today, the water started flowing across 86th St...Gradually were being surrounded! Hopefully the road won't wash out though, like it did in `97.
I hope everyone enjoyed the 4th.
Yours truly,
Hi there,
Praying for Havilah. Hopefully she's starting to recover.
I've added your blog to my links. Is that okay? The reason is mostly that I don't remember to check out blogs otherwise.
God bless.
Elizabeth (aka Anna's sister)
You may certainly add us, fun to know someones ckecking the blog out. And thank you for praying for our sister.
I've heard a bit about you from Lydia; I'll have to check out your blog.
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