Sunday, July 31, 2005

“Those whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.”
I heard these words at the best wedding I have ever attended, yesterday.
I had been wanting to attend an Anglican, or Reformed wedding for a long time and I was thoroughly satisfied with what I saw. I think it’s amazing that the prayer book service can be used for hundreds of years and hold the same reverence and beauty.
The reception was very nice also. Great food, music, and dancing. Maggie danced until 10:30! It was the first wedding she has been to and she is thoroughly hooked. She told me today “Rachel, YOU need to get married”. “Oh.” I said. I think she had in mind more dancing.
Now for a complete change of subject…..
I have found two sympathizers, apart from my family, on my dislike for “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. One is a film review someone else also saw the Michael Jackson correlation with an extreme dislike for Johnny Depp’s portrayal of Wonka.
My other source was Brian Godawa who does not have a review and never will because he dislikes Tim Burton films, mainly for his poor story lines.
Another subject……
The next most exciting thing to happen is for Friday to come……Wow! I can actually say we are going to Moscow, this week. And as the time approaches and Hannah does more and more peculiar and wacko things. I look at her and shake my head and say “Poor, poor, Anoma!” (her roommate) Which she responds in a laugh.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Lately Hannah has been trying to teach our 21 month old sister, Essie, some simple manners. Today, while I was in the kichen I overheard the following from the next room.

Scene begins by Essie getting into Hannah's wallet, Essie is than disiplined.

Hannah: What do you say Essie?

Essie: Pweese.

Hannah: No no, what do you say for being naughty?

Essie: tank you

Hannah: No, Essie, you say your sorry.

Essie: *with a sniff* sorry Nannie (Hannah).

Little siblings are so funny.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Maggie often seems envious of Mary's name, for instance last winter she said: "Mom why can't we say Maggie Christmas?"
Today she was playing the piano and was singing in a flat line "Maggie had a little lamb......."
She also found a new name for playing the piano: Pianoing. Like it?


Monday, July 11, 2005

My world seems to be falling apart; I can’t keep up with time or life.

On Thursday I was vacuuming the boys’ room and had to put the bunk bed ladder on the top mattress so it would be out of my way. My mind was not completely focused on my job since I was listening to a cassette tape. As I took the ladder back down I wasn’t looking at what I was doing and didn’t realize it was still several inches to the floor, I dropped it and it landed squarely on my left big toe. For a second I didn’t feel anything, but, a moment later I was flat on the floor clenching my teeth together while trying to hold back the pain. Right away it swelled up and turned for 3 days I’ve had to limp around, thankfully today I was actually able to walk quite normally. It certainly doesn’t help that I either keep stubbing it or it gets stepped on by other people.

Today I started out by trying to do some math, that attempt failed miserably and has for the last month. Instead I got distracted because I started to look at the school I want to accomplish this fall.

Then Hannah asked me to come out the office and get some more “hours in training done”. But that phrase sounds far too efficient for what really is going on. Hannah is trying to teach me some of the business’ basic paper work since she is leaving in 3 ½ weeks and nobody else knows how to do much of the computer work for it. My attempts so far have not really gone anywhere. I do fine when she explains to me the procedure of how it works and what to do, but, I go back later to do something on my own and I can’t; in other words my memory is zip, zilch, noughta. Hopefully I’ll be able to retain some knowledge of the stuff so we all aren’t left hanging.


Aww, a little while ago Mother sent me on a mission. So, I armed myself with tennis shoes, a little dust broom and a flashlight and began the march to the basement. Several persons in our family had heard squeaking behind the dryer and Mother couldn’t bare the thought of going down there with that on her mind...and of course the boys would be gone at Tae Kwon Do so I was volunteered by Mother to do the job. After some searching I spotted the little critter; the poor thing was walking back and forth, back and forth. When it came close enough to one side I took my little hand broom and I squished it into the corner.

What I can’t understand is how/why baby mice have to be so adorably gross. The little thing had little ears, a tail and a miserable cry. A little bit later Maggie was dying to see it and her analysis was simply


Anyway, I’d better get some reading or something done.

Yours sincerely,


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I have a rather full and weekend but it has been a lot of fun.

First of all Josiah came home on leave and surprised our mom on Saturday. He is able to stay until this coming Saturday.
On Sunday we celebrated the 4th with the R's and B's...We had a great time together. Havilah went home with the B's since they have a daughter her age and she stayed the night.

On Monday, we received a phone call from Mr. B and we found out Havilah had fallen off a miniature pony and broken her left wrist. My mom and Hannah went to the emergency room with her and it is a very bad break, her swelling was so bad that they couldn't put a cast on her.

Today, my mom and Havilah went back to the doctor and the break is so bad that the doctor in town can't do it so we have to go up to the orthopedic in Fargo.

Please pray for Hav's pain and for the healing.

Today, the water started flowing across 86th St...Gradually were being surrounded! Hopefully the road won't wash out though, like it did in `97.

I hope everyone enjoyed the 4th.

Yours truly,


I finished "Joy in the morning". It's a great way to get a good dose of humor. Ha, ha, I laughed over many lines, like:

"Little knowing that Uncle Percy's favorite reading would have been his name on a tombstone".

Or how about "Looney to the eyebrows"! Good stuff for fun.

Now I'm wondering what is the next book, well, not really wondering, trying to decide is more like it. I think maybe Lord of the Rings trilogy would be a good choice to read this month.


Friday, July 01, 2005

We annually find a Painted turtle up by the mailbox. Nat was the lucky one this year. ~R Posted by Picasa

Mom and Dad trolling the horse pasture, I mean, Lake Benton Posted by Picasa

Meet Anne Shirley.....and evidence to Lydia's story. ~R Posted by Picasa
I had begun this summer with great camping plans that Rachel and I were going to lead our younger sibling on, but alas, most have completely failed to materialize. We still plan to go to Medora in July, but not much else. I love tent camping. Bring along some fresh meat and vegetables, bikes, nature books and fun read-aloud story books (nightmare starters are the best!), some fishing poles...well you most likely know the rest. A hammock is good too. The key to fun camping is...
#1: Don't bring too much stuff!
#2: Everyone should have to carry and clean their own belongings.(Is this unreasonable?)
Example: clothes, shoes, plate, cup, silverware, and plastic bags should all be each persons back pack. They all should carry a sleeping bag (and pillow if they have to have one), and only one or two fun items for each person,(balls, cards, games).
Now, this may sound like ridicules planning to some of you, but we have a crew to work with. Good organization is required, or the oldest members are left in a mess. Which I find very unpleasant. :(
Sometime I want to try out winter camping. I believe the work load it heavier, but you don't have the bug problems, and its supposed to be very cozy if you have a good stove. I think you definitely need a good location scouted out, though. I just don't picture our flat, open countryside as much fun for it.
Are you all enjoying your summer? I hope so!