Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Annnnd, TKD testing, we all passed. oh joy!

Mr. Noah

Lyd in Mid- Action!

go break that board Lyddy!

everyone 'cept for Noah.

Havie, (me) doin' my pattern. I look crabby
hmmmm, wonder were i got that from, *ponders*

Seth, Nat and I right after we three tested

Seth and Nat doing pattern.


these are the only pictures taken, then Dad only took Video
so, tough luck, cuz i DO NOT want to post video
on here.
Seth and I also had My piano recital and his Guitar
recital the same day.

So pretty!

*shock* they accutally posed for the camera!

this was on thanksgiving, we kinna look
alike, eh?

Talitha turned One on the 9th!

the cake i made her...

just incase you can't comprehend what
that bright red and green thing is ontop
i'll tell you. its a uhhhh, a sprig of holly?
*erg* it tasted good though...

awh, isn't she the cutest?

hey camera, i'm one!

and I can ride my new tricyicle, alllll by *myself*!

Of ginga bread houses and the 1st but *of*-course not last christmas cake:

My friends house.

My house. down there in the bottom
righthand corner is my ingenious sled, *ahem*

Christmas Festivities...

don't they look noble? eheh.

oh Yummmm.

all the cwhistmas cups...

the lovley piontzetta Uncle Ron And
Aunty Toni gave us.