Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Annnnd, TKD testing, we all passed. oh joy!

Mr. Noah

Lyd in Mid- Action!

go break that board Lyddy!

everyone 'cept for Noah.

Havie, (me) doin' my pattern. I look crabby
hmmmm, wonder were i got that from, *ponders*

Seth, Nat and I right after we three tested

Seth and Nat doing pattern.


these are the only pictures taken, then Dad only took Video
so, tough luck, cuz i DO NOT want to post video
on here.
Seth and I also had My piano recital and his Guitar
recital the same day.

So pretty!

*shock* they accutally posed for the camera!

this was on thanksgiving, we kinna look
alike, eh?

Talitha turned One on the 9th!

the cake i made her...

just incase you can't comprehend what
that bright red and green thing is ontop
i'll tell you. its a uhhhh, a sprig of holly?
*erg* it tasted good though...

awh, isn't she the cutest?

hey camera, i'm one!

and I can ride my new tricyicle, alllll by *myself*!

Of ginga bread houses and the 1st but *of*-course not last christmas cake:

My friends house.

My house. down there in the bottom
righthand corner is my ingenious sled, *ahem*

Christmas Festivities...

don't they look noble? eheh.

oh Yummmm.

all the cwhistmas cups...

the lovley piontzetta Uncle Ron And
Aunty Toni gave us.

Monday, November 20, 2006

In Memoriam

of the green bird,(i think it's name was Dertie), he died.

we will all miss you, some of us not asmuch as others, you wern't very friendly. you were handsomer than the blue one tho'.
you were fatter to, you pig. may you rest in the peace that you hogged all the sunflower seeds.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

TKD Tourny pics:

I profusely apologize for the darkness in
alot of them...very poor lighting, and i had to zoom the
camera in alot!

the lot of us!-( thank you Andrew F. for the pic!)

Master Jo!

Noah--excuse the arm ^_^

wow! such an amazing day!


Lishie!-- thanx so much for coming guys!

blurry- but the guy in the red shirt is Grand-Master Yun

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Last Saturday there was a lady in town giving a class on water painting. It was really fun and we all learned something. Espeacially those of us who have never done art. :-P






Dad's! His was special enough to get the only green frame *wink*


Friday, October 27, 2006

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A North Dakota Fall:




my attempt for photography

this was posed...


our yard.

New Kitten, thinkin' on a name...

our house.

Apples, i like how the grass is on one side and the brick on
the other...

the little girls out in the yard, playing.

fallishly yours-- Havie