A Pathetic Saga
The following tale is not exaggerated in facts by the imagination of the writer, as the last one was, but is an accurate account of what happened or happens when one is working and getting carried away.
My sister, Hannah, and I went out this evening to pick up any loose objects around the farm since the river continues to rise and we didn’t want anything carried off. We made a general outline of the farm and then went to check on the garden which is very water logged.
We got a shovel and a hoe and started making drainage canals in attempt to save some of the vegetables from rotting. The grounds was/is saturated and are rubber boots got suctioned in the thick soup-like mud (more like getting stuck in tar), we were able to get out as long as we moved around so we did not sink to far down.
Everything was going fairly well until I forgot about this and remained in one spot for several minutes. After tugging and pulling on my boots for awhile I got off balance and my hands went down and saved a fall but they did get a thick coat of goop. Hannah wasn’t to enthusiastic about helping me with my goopy hands so I gave another try, I lost my balance again and with a ker-plop I was sitting in the garden with my boots still stuck. By this time both of us were laughing so hard that I could barely do anything but at last I did end up on my feet on solid ground.
For a while I was much more careful and avoided the murky mess and I was once again successfully operating our canals. But what is the fun in falling in mud only once? Of course it must happen again and sure enough it did. This time my only chance of getting out was to grab the back of my boots and pull forward. I did, trying not to pull extremely hard so I could avoid another fall. It still wasn’t working very well so I gave a final yank and scream as I ate dirt. I really couldn’t believe it had happened again and Hannah was doubled over laughing and I was weak from it, bringing little help to the situation.
My fall forward did one good thing...it loosened my boots and I was finally able to stand up again. I went about three steps and then Hannah attempted to help by grabbing my shoulder but that ended with me in sitting position once again. I was quite worn out and so just drove through the rest on all fours...right into the smelly ditch of water so I could get some of the thick goop off me...
...and so ends my pathetic saga.
Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink ~ Psalm 69: 14a
P.S. Rachel came across this bible verse and thought of me...